Ok. Its been a month, and I havent posted ANYTHING! Just shows how incredibly BUSY we all have been lately. I cant say exactly what it is either that is making us so busy, but it always seems like every night we have something going.
We have been little by little finishing a room and a bathroom in the basement since last summer. Its been getting closer to being done, and hopefully this spring should be complete! With Ryan in school, and livvy taking over Ryan's office...finding a place where he could escape to do schoolwork has been getting impossible, unless he wants a 2 year old little boy interupting every 2 minutes. :-) It will definatly benefit us in the future as well!
Alivia is growing by the minute. She is six months old now and I cant believe how fast time went. The next six months are going to fly by as well, and she will then be a year! She is rolling everywhere, eating solids three times a day...sleeping pretty good. The last couple nights have been a little better, but for the last month, she has been waking up a couple times a night looking for her pipe. It was making for some long nights on this mamma. Anyways...she is just one of the happiest little girls I know. Constantly smiling, jabbering like crazy. She is just getting cuter by the minute. We are falling in love with this little peanut more and more every day. She's such a blessing.
Last week was one of the harder weeks on us lately. Evan was just getting over a double ear infection and Thursday we noticed Liv was running a fever. Friday she still had a fever and she was not herself. Ryan ended up taking her in Friday night because her fever was getting higher. They checked for a UTI and bladder infection, but it came back clean. By monday, she was lethargic and it was freaking us out so we took her back in. Her temp was 104! Thats way too high for a little peanut. They took some blood and were able to tell she had an infection, and later that day found out she had a UTI. :-( Poor princess. After two shots and a weeks worth of antibiotics, she is doing 100% better. I felt so bad for her though. I had never seen her look like that. It was heartbreaking. Thank goodness she is doing better and we now know what to look for!!
Evan is growing like crazy too. His vocabulary is getting insane. I cant believe what he says, or how he knows what to say sometimes. That little boy is so stinkin smart. Backyardigans are probably his favorite show still. He also is big into Dora and Diego, and he loves the Imagination Movers in the morning. His favorite food lately is probably quesadillas or pasta. He loves all his john deere tractors, trucks and bike. He is definatly into signing and dancing, although poor boy is probably cursed, because both his parents cant do either. :-) His favorite song by far is Jesus Loves Me, and a close second The ABC song...SuperWhy style. He is so much fun and we love getting to know this little man God's blessed us with.
I will try and post pictures this weekend. Ryan is leaving me for a night this weekend with his dad, brother, and his brothers inlaws to the casino, so I might have time, maybe less tho! I'm sure Ryan is looking forward to a night away, of "watching" other people gamble and the free drinks! We arent big gamblers at all, but I am sure it will be nice to get away and have some guy time. I'm a little jealous!