Monday, November 15, 2010

So my blogging has become rare these days. I am averaging about once a month which is so bad for me! And I am sorry to say I havent posted any pictures lately. Its funny looking back and reading some of my past posts about the happenings in our household. Recently, Ryan got a job at the hospital, which I already blogged about, but about a week ago he was offered a full time job there. (yay!) The timing couldnt have been better as about 3 weeks ago I was told that the dealership I work for was closing. Today was my first day unemployed. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing of cousre, but God has always been good to us and we are continuously blessed by Him. It makes things a little easier knowing He is taking care of us, and He always has. But wow..what a rollercoaster! Regardless, through these last 3 weeks of knowing I would soon be unemployed, I couldnt help but feel grateful for all that we do have. My kids are healthy, Ryan and I are healthy (other than battleing some sinus infections and minor colds!) We are very blessed and I have nothing at all to be worried about or feel ungrateful for.

With that being said, I am definatly looking forward to seeing my kiddos more in the next little while. Of course the hunt for a job is still on, but I will enjoy the days home. The kids are growing so fast, and Alivia is picking up so many new words latly, I am going to enjoy spending my days watching her learn new things and playing differnt games with Evan.

I will try and be a little better about keeping this updated, now that I have a little more time! Hopefully even some pictures soon! Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for!

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