Monday, September 15, 2008

Another post with out pictures

Yes I know, I have been slacking lately. I havent posted anything really with pictures lately. I havent even touched my camera in almost a week which is so out of the ordinary for me. We have been working working working lately to get out house in order for our open house. Unfortunatly for our realator, her grandma passed away this week so the open house has been pose poned until next weekend. I wish it was on differnt circumstances, but it gives Ryan another week to get all the painting out side done.
Unfortunatly the boat market is not picking up at all and Ryan is layed off for another two weeks. However, after he gets back they do have work for a while, but it looks like there will be more periodicly through the rest of the year. (Temperory lay-offs) It is really sad how bad our economy is right now. All we can do is hope and pray things change, and trust and have faith God will provide as He always does.
Not much else to say today. Evan is screaming so I better go see what he and dad are up to.

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