Saturday, October 24, 2009


So apparently having another child and working full time again proves I cant post as much as I used to. :-) I havent even posted pictures of our family vacation from 2 weeks ago yet! I'm slackin! (Although...not quite like some people we know...umm Tracy...:) ) Anyways...

So, whats new with us? I am happy to announce my less than 7 week old daughter is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! This is a Godsend. I think after what He dealt us with Evan, He maybe thought He should give us a break with this one. :-) We have kinda worked it so her last feeding is between 10 and 10:30, and she has been sleeping between 5:45-6. We will take it! I dont know either if I blogged about it either, but we did switch her to formula a few weeks ago due to her crazy tummy issues. She did great her first 4 weeks, but it was like a switch flipped and after every feeding she would cry and fuss. She just couldnt get comfortable. We also had some more issues with the original formula she started on so we took her in to the doctor. Her doctor thought maybe she has an intolerance to milk, so we had to do some tests. Out of three tests, she had one positive, so we have to test again in 2 weeks. She is on the gentle formula now and seems to be doing much better, however if she has more positives, she may have to go on a special kind of forumla that doesnt include milk or soy. Hopefully she wont have another positive, and we can continue on the formula she is on. Poor baby. I hate watching her in pain!

I'm also back to work now which is going just fine. I dont love it, and its not ideal but it works for right now and we are all adjusting ok. I said this when I had Evan too after I went back to work, but it is crazy the actual ache you have when you miss your kids. I feel the same way now when I am at work. The actual physical ache. Crazy I know, just because I still get to see them when I get home, but yeah...still sucks being away from them.

Well anyway..I will post pics of Drummond Island later but we went up there the begining of October. We havent been there since Ryan and I were first married. It was good to be up there again and just relax before coming back to grandparents have a cabin in the woods, so Ryan was able to hunt. He saw a few deer but nothing great(By the way, I forgot to post anything, but the night before we left he sat out and got a nice size doe.) Evan loved riding the four wheeler and playing outside. It was cold but so much fun. What a great way to spend my last week of maternity leave.

Not much is new with Evan. Just talking like crazy. The things he says lately are hilarious. He always suprises me with words I didnt know he even knew! We have been working more and more with him on the potty and he is doing great! Pretty much everytime we put him on he goes, so he is getting the hang of it. We will just keep working with him.

I'll post some pics later. Looking forward to having our small group come over tonight. It has been too long!


TracyVDM said...

LOL!!! Yes, I have been slackin! I will update soon! :)

Unknown said...

tracy, yes, like four months now!