Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just an update for those of you who know Evan, and know about his tailbone problem. Evan has from day one been our child who has all the issues. By issues I mean medical. Between kidney appointments, helmets, middle of the night ER visits, its always something. Evan was born with a wierd tailbone/base of his spine. His spine comes all the way down to flesh basically and there is basically just skin protecting it from poking through. He is able to run, and jump and do all the things normal kids do, but if he goes down a slide too hard, or jumps and lands wrong, it causes him a lot of discomfort. He recently has been complaining more about it, so we decided to go back to his pediatrican to seek what other options we had. (Up until now, it didnt seem like much of a concern)We were refered to Helen DeVos Neurosugery. When we went today, the doctor looked at it and decided Evan needs a MRI. The problem isnt now, but it could be later. If he would hit a growth spurt and the end of the spinal cord is stretched, the result could not be a good thing. In severe cases, some kids loose feeling in there legs unexpectadly. He goes the end of August for the MRI and will be seen the next day for results. He will have to be sedated for the MRI just because he wont be able to move for 45 minutes. (Poor buddy!) I am not worried about that part. The part I am worried about is him not being able to eat all day because his appointment is at 1:00. Please pray for good results from the MRI. If there is something that is blocking the base of the spinal cord, or something pinning it down, he will need surgury. I am sure everything will be fine, but no mom likes to think of their little guy having surgry for any reason. I will keep ya posted when I know more from his MRI! Thanks!!


The Hill Family said...

Sorry to hear about that Megan! You should call and see what you can do about getting his appointment earlier in the day. I have had to do that numerous times. It's ridiculous to have to wait to feed a 2 year old until after 1 pm. Every time I call and complain we seem to get the first appointment of the day so see what you can do if you are worried about it! We will be thinking and praying for you all!

Megan said...

Thanks Steph! I actually called today to complain, but they had no earlier appointments for him. :-( Poor buddy. I can only imagine how sucky it must have been for Jackson with all his doctors visits and similar appointments!! Ugh!