Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Evan's Appointment

So Evan and I headed up to Grand Rapids today for his head appointment. We first had a therapy evaluation to see if his neck is strained enough to have weekly therapy and it is. So we will be working on getting his neck to stretch more and turn to his right a little more. He did really well when the lady was moving him all around. His next appointment we went to have a scan of his head to see if he actually would need a helmet and it didnt take long for the doctor to confirm that he will need one. Unfortunatly though, he cant get started in it until he is four and 1/2 months old, which means we have to wait a whole month yet! I know that it will be alright when he gets it, and that he will get used to it, I just hate seeing my baby having to be differnt. That is my own insecurities coming through. Evan will probably care less. If only I could have the carelessness of a child sometimes. But oh well. At least they will be taking care of it and by the time he is one he will hopefully be all done with it. They said he will probably have it for about 4-5 months. All those summer months! Anyways- If this is the worst God throws at us we'll take it but regardless of what is to come...we know God has a special purpose for Evan and that it will be allright. We go next monday for his kidney ultrasound. That is really our bigger concern, if the blockage is still there or not. Thank you for your prayers!

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