Sunday, April 27, 2008


So far we have had a pretty nice relaxing weekend. Friday night we went out with some friends to the Curragh. I left there with Evan around 8 while Ryan hung out for a little while longer. Nothing too exciting. Saturday I worked all day, again, while Ryan worked and finished our lovely new deck! I am so excited about it. It is nothing big or anything, but if you would have seen our last deck you would know why I love this one so much. Our last one was miniscule. I met my mom and Christi and Diane Kieth bridals after work and watched Christi try wedding dresses on. It was a lot of fun. She looked so cute in them, but it was frustrating for her knowing in 2 months her body is going to be differnt. She looks good anyway I think. She is barely showing and she is 16 weeks. I was showing at 14 weeks. Anyway- after that I just went and hung out with my mom and Christi at my parents house. Not too crazy of a weekend, but it was nice talking about the wedding and we even hauled out some family video to show her of John as a kid. Poor thing. She doesnt know what kinda family she is getting into. Today Ryan and I have our class for Evan's baptisim at 4-5, and then I think we are just going to have pizza at my parents afterward. I'm so happy our church does these classes. I am anxious to hear what it is about. Sometimes I feel like baptisim is something parents just do because that's what you do when your child is a baby. (at least around here) But it is so much more to me than "marking" Evan. Ryan and I struggled a lot with if we were even going to baptize him just because we wanted to do it as saying "God this is your child, and we know he is yours, thank you for letting us raise him and be his earthly parents." We've heard a lot of sermon's on baptisim about once he is baptized he is now part of the covanent, but I think he already was with out it. To us, baptising him is more for us telling God we know he is his than anything to do with being a "covanent child." I dont know if that makes sense, and I could talk about this for hours, but that is just a little insite to our logic. Anyways- Hope you have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

The Hill's said...

Is he getting baptized at VP? I'm just curious, if so Jackson is getting baptized the same time. Anyways...I like your philosophy on baptism I completely agree with you. When Jackson was sick everyone was like, "are you going to have him baptized now" I was like no, because he is already God's child and I was in no rush to do it because of his health. Anyways I share a lot of the same opinions and I saw your mom and Christi (I think it was her) at the horse. I waited on them....I didn't know she was John's fiance how cool! And she does look great! Well, I rambled, have a great day!