Saturday, June 7, 2008


So God promised not another flood right? Wow! We came home from our friends house at about 10:30 tonight and this is what we find. It is a MIRACLE we made it in the drive way. was about 3 feet deep with water, and up to the hood of our car. I of course was in tears. Right now, it is 12:18 exactly and Ryan is outside with our nieghbors helping get an SUV unstuck(Is that a word?) Anyway, I have video of it, maybe I will post it, but this is CRAZY!!!! There is no reason why there has to be this much stinkin water in the roads!!!! I dont really know if I should cry or laugh. Someone did something wrong with our drain system in our sub divison. Everyone in our nieghborhood is pissed. Our excavater for the nieghborhood just showed up acting confussed. Sorry for sounding mad...but we are! There is a lot of damage to our lawns, even this SUV they just pulled out...all Ryan's hard work with the wood chips and everything are flooded, and our plants. UUGH. Anyways--Ryan just came in...

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