Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blessed and Thankful

Well, I dont know if anyone knew this or not but the last day has been so hard for Ryan and I. Ryan's company was doing layoffs and told everyone yesterday morning they would be laying off 110 people. He told me this in the morning so of course I thought about it all day. They hadnt got to his area yesterday but today did. He is safe for now, as well as a really good friend of ours who also works there. All day yesterday I was praying, but didnt really know how to pray. How can I pray for someone else to loose thier well needed job over my husband, and why is Ryan's job more important than anyone else's. Obviously its not, but when you ask God for something like that, I am asking Him to take the hit off from Ryan and on to someone else. I hope this is making sense, and me not just blabbing, but it was really hard. There are really a lot of people who lost thier job yesterday and today that needed it despretly and now are faced with trying to find a job in the hard economy. I just feel blessed and so thankful today. He is said there may be more coming in the next month or two we just have to wait and see if anything changes.

1 comment:

The Hill's said...

I thought about you guys yesterday. I had heard of the cuts. I'm so glad that it all worked out for you! Oh, and happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!