Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where's my sign?

So I am sure everyone has heard the phrase, "Here's your sign." refering to your "stupid" sign. Well last night I had a "Here's your sign" moment. Ryan had a double header last night so after work I was able to make it to his 8:30 game. They actually won thier second game 18-8 which was great and all...well we were packing up and getting everything in my car (we of course had two cars there) I threw the diaper bag and my purse in the front seat and shut the door only to realize my keys were in there too. And I locked the door. Whoops. And the spare was in the diaper bag. Whoops again. What can you do at this point? Thank goodness Evan was not in the car yet. We actually called a lock smith and while we were waiting for him, I realized I had popped the trunk before I threw everything in the front seat. Ryan then hopped in the trunk and pushed the back seat forward and thank goodness unlocked the door. It was quite a site, but unfortunatly I realized this after about 1/2hr of being locked out. As we were pulling out of the parking lot we saw the lock smith pull in. I did feel bad seeing how it was after 10pm so I called him back and told him I would send him something for the gas on coming out. So yeah...my stupid moment of the day. See Steph? We all do stupid things sometimes. :)


The Hill's said...

WEll, I feel a little better but I think my "stupid" beats yours:)

The Kapenga's said...

Thanks for making me laugh! At least I'm not the only one that has incredibly blonde moments!!! BTY - I like the new title you have given my blog on your favorites list. I have some ideas for a new blog name once I'm a Kapenga :-)