Monday, July 13, 2009


We had a very busy (again) weekend. Busy but yet a lot of fun. Friday was my birthday so we decided to go to the beach with some friends and grill out by the channel. I was hoping for good weather and was worried all day we would have to cancel due to the storms that were coming, but the weather couldnt have been more perfect. The kids enjoyed the sand and getting all dirty, and we even tried sticking Evan's toes in the water, but it was a little too chilly for him. After the beach we just grabbed some icecream in Zeeland and went home on time. It was a wonderful birthday and couldnt have asked for anything more.

Our friends are getting married this coming weekend, so we spent all day saturday getting ready for their bachelor, bachelorette parties at night. Us girls went mini golfing, out to eat...then back to my house, and some how ended up at the curragh for a few drinks. (I must say I did look kinda funny at the bar buying a drink for the bachelorette...real classy with my nice round belly!) Anyways...the guys just went golfing then back to the best man's house to grill out. Very clean and mild for the most part. :-)

On a differnt note, I cant believe I only have 8 1/2 weeks left of this pregnancy. I must be a baby or something because I am already SO ready to have this child out of me. As much as I love feeling he or she move around inside, I will not miss the kicks to the bladder, tossing and turning at night to get comfortable, (to be replaced every few hours to crying I guess...) mood swings, and emotional breakdowns. Poor Ryan. I dont remember feeling so emotional with Evan as I do with this one. I've found myself in tears a few times now, and I couldnt tell ya why I was crying. I believe today it was because I was headed to subway and found I had passed it 2 miles back. At that point I decided not to turn around and get my sub but to keep going. Something as little as forgetting to stop at a subway made me cry today! What is wrong with me?! Although I cant wait for this child to be born, I am not ready for summer to be over either. I guess I just need to take a breath, step back and enjoy my time with Evan and Ryan before this little munchin arrives.

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