Sunday, August 24, 2008
Boring Weekend
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Birthday Boys
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Evan and His Girlfriend
The VanHouten's
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Mind of His Own.
I've come to the conclusion that Mr. Evan knows exactly what to do to push my buttons at the age of 7 months. He knows what it means when I lay him in his crib, give him his blankie, and stick his pipe in his mouth. And yet, he knows that if he screams and screams...mommy will come back and put his pipe back in his mouth, give him his blankie again and say goodnight. However, I have put a stop to that. I let him cry...and cry...and cry. This can go on for an hour...or more depends on what mood he is in. Sometimes I win and he actually does fall asleep, but more often than not he sceams and whines for an hour at least. Yesterday however, I did the same thing I always do, laid him down with his blankie and pipe, and he rolled over and closed his eyes and slept for almost 3 hours!!! I couldnt believe it. nap time rolls around...and I thought, alright, he finally has it. Laid him down, and nope. Wouldnt sleep. Youre probably thinking just let him cry it out, but people I do! But how long do you let him cry for? I dont know where he gets his stubborness from but I dont think I was that way when I was a baby. Uhhhh. I guess I will keep trying. Suggestions anyone?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
7 Months Already
It is amazing to me that I had Evan 7 months ago today. He is growing so fast. Not just that, but it seems crazy to me that he is 7 months already. He is developing such a little personality too. He is definatly all boy. Even his little voice sounds like a boy. He has a stuborn personality where if he wants something, he lets you know it. He is such a gift. Being his mommy is so awesome. We've been so blessed to have him.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Another Reason To Celebrate!
This weekend was so much fun. FINALLY Dave and Wendi got married Friday night. It was so much fun and it was just a perfect wedding. Everything was just beautiful and the weather was AWESOME. You couldnt have asked for a better night. Wendi looked absoulutly stuning. I've posted just a few of my own pictures, but I cant wait to see what Tracy has. I am sure they are beautiful. She does such a good job. Anyway- I must say, the flowers looked awesome too. Not bad for a bunch of amatures. I was a little worried going into it, but was so happy with how they all turned out. I am so glad I could help Wendi with that. It was a lot of fun and the end result was great.
Something else to celebrate...Evan said "mama" and has continued to say it. Yes, I know it seems early and I didnt believe it when he did it, but you ask him to say it, and he says it! It is so cool! Kathy Ryan's mom didnt believe me either until she heard him do it. It was pretty cool, I had just put Evan down and Ryan and I were getting ready for bed ourselves when all of a sudden we heard Evan saying, "Mama, Mama," from his crib. Ryan said he was calling for me so sure enough I went in there and he was all smiles when he saw me. What a great feeling. :) Those moments are the best about being a mom.
It is almost 10:30 Saturday night and I am missing my husband. He actually volunteered to work tonight. 10:45-7:15. CRAZY! I feel really bad for him and can only imagine how tired he is going to be tomorrow, but we are so thankful still that he has a job to go to. God is so good to us.
I think that is all that is going on in my life right now...not too much new. I just thought I would share my crazy fun weekend. (minus tonight.) Oh and Steph Hill...your parents can really dance. was really funny watching all those old people dancing at the wedding.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A great way to end this week
This week didnt start out good at all but thankfully we have something awesome to celebrate. My oldest brother Dave is FINALLY getting married! Now that is reason to celebrate! Tomorrow is when it really is going to feel real. Wendi and I are putting together the flowers. (BY OURSELVES!) Hopefully everything turns out alright. I am sure they will. And then they have rehersal tomorrow night at the ravines. I am sure it will all go well. Friday is the BIG day. They are getting married at 7:30 at the ravines in saugatuck outdoors, and it will be beautiful. I cant wait. Finally Dave has found someone so perfect for him and we are so happy to welcome Wendi and Jenna into our family. It is going to be a perfect way to end such a sad week. Cant wait.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Little Blessings
Ryan and I have been blessed so richly. God is so good to us, and sometimes we wonder why. I just thought I would share with everyone who has been praying for us, that Ryan did make it through the layoffs at Tiara. Praise God. We are very happy and excited obviously and it is important to have a job, but we cant help but feel sadness this week for the Busschers. There are worse things in this world than losing a job and we came to peace with that, that whatever happened today, we would be alright with. It put things in perspective for us. But yet, God saw us through, as He always does and continues to provide. Praise God for the little blessings He gives us.
I am sure a lot of people are asking why this weekend. Why God allows certain things to happen to such awesome people. Not just that, but people who truly love Him. Somehow every little thing in our lives that we worried about, suddenly didnt seem as important as they did before Friday night. I am talking about the loss of Grace Busscher, a beautiful 18 month little girl to Brian and Kathy. We got to see Grace quite a bit. She only lived a few houses down from us and from what we know and could see she was a happy beautiful smiley little girl. Grace was also a niece, a sister a granddaughter. To everyone who knew Grace and loved her, we are so sorry and hurt with you. If you can take any comfort at all, at least know she is in Jesus arms playing up in heaven. God Bless and our prayers are with the Busscher family.
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