Sunday, August 3, 2008


I am sure a lot of people are asking why this weekend. Why God allows certain things to happen to such awesome people. Not just that, but people who truly love Him. Somehow every little thing in our lives that we worried about, suddenly didnt seem as important as they did before Friday night. I am talking about the loss of Grace Busscher, a beautiful 18 month little girl to Brian and Kathy. We got to see Grace quite a bit. She only lived a few houses down from us and from what we know and could see she was a happy beautiful smiley little girl. Grace was also a niece, a sister a granddaughter. To everyone who knew Grace and loved her, we are so sorry and hurt with you. If you can take any comfort at all, at least know she is in Jesus arms playing up in heaven. God Bless and our prayers are with the Busscher family.

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