This weekend was so much fun. FINALLY Dave and Wendi got married Friday night. It was so much fun and it was just a perfect wedding. Everything was just beautiful and the weather was AWESOME. You couldnt have asked for a better night. Wendi looked absoulutly stuning. I've posted just a few of my own pictures, but I cant wait to see what Tracy has. I am sure they are beautiful. She does such a good job. Anyway- I must say, the flowers looked awesome too. Not bad for a bunch of amatures. I was a little worried going into it, but was so happy with how they all turned out. I am so glad I could help Wendi with that. It was a lot of fun and the end result was great.
Something else to celebrate...Evan said "mama" and has continued to say it. Yes, I know it seems early and I didnt believe it when he did it, but you ask him to say it, and he says it! It is so cool! Kathy Ryan's mom didnt believe me either until she heard him do it. It was pretty cool, I had just put Evan down and Ryan and I were getting ready for bed ourselves when all of a sudden we heard Evan saying, "Mama, Mama," from his crib. Ryan said he was calling for me so sure enough I went in there and he was all smiles when he saw me. What a great feeling. :) Those moments are the best about being a mom.
It is almost 10:30 Saturday night and I am missing my husband. He actually volunteered to work tonight. 10:45-7:15. CRAZY! I feel really bad for him and can only imagine how tired he is going to be tomorrow, but we are so thankful still that he has a job to go to. God is so good to us.
I think that is all that is going on in my life right now...not too much new. I just thought I would share my crazy fun weekend. (minus tonight.) Oh and Steph Hill...your parents can really dance. was really funny watching all those old people dancing at the wedding.
You got some great shots there! ;)
You mean my Dad can dance! mom has no moves and is quite awful...but at least she's having fun! How embarassing:)
I guess I missed all the good stuff, huh? I could've gotten some good blackmail shots! I did get a couple of Jim doing the chicken dance.
Meg- cute pics! Wendi said you got tons! I can't wait to see them-if you snapfish or picasa them (or whatever online thing you use) let me know!
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