Sunday, June 7, 2009


It seems like Ryan and I have been going constantly lately. He is very busy with side jobs that he can hardly keep up, and I have been putting in 40 hours a week for two weeks now. Thankfully me working full time is going really well. I actually feel like I am home more, that may sound wierd. I think being home by 5 everyday when before I was working nights and saturdays, helps make it feel that way. Evan has been adjusting really well also. It helps tho that his dad is the one he is with all day. I am feeling much better about leaving in the morning, knowing he isnt going to sitters everyday.

Ryan is continuing his summer courses, Math and English and doing well in both classes. His english class is online, and his math class is actually assignments from a program, so he really doesnt have to go to class at all this summer which is is just trying to find time to balence taking care of Evan, doing his school work, and doing side jobs. I know it is only going to get worse the further along he is in school, expecially when he is in the nursing program. He is handling it well tho and I am so proud of him! Ryan also has planted a huge garden at his parents house that he is keeping up on, going out every other day. If you know Ryan at all, he is constantly making himself busy. He is not one to sit around. If its not one thing it another. I guess thats why I love him so much. Its always something! But I sure cant wait to have fresh veggies!

The weather is absolutly awesome lately and Evan is eating it up. He loves going to the garden and running around out there in the dirt. He is so funny to watch. He has become obsessed with tractors and bikes and he will let you know it if he sees one. I never realized how many tractors there are in the world until he started pointing them out to us. Love him to pieces!

Ryan will be taking Evan to his cardioligist on Wednesday, and to be honest, I am not even sure of all the tests they will be doing...if any for that matter. I covet your prayers tho for our little man. That is the last thing he needs right now is a heart issue. Thanks, and I will keep you posted on what we find out on Wednesday! Have a great week!

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