Ryan and I headed out to tunnel park on Friday night to take pictures for a friend of ours daughter. It was so much fun, and she is such a doll. I'm nothing professional, but we did get some really cute shots (before she fell in the water! poor girl) And then of course of her and Evan who were just adorable holding hands, and giving kisses. They are only 2 1/2 months apart so it was fun.
Saturday morning we headed to McDonalds like we do quite a bit on Saturday mornings for some breakfast. Evan and I left Ryan there for a while so he could get caught up on some of his papers and homework, and we headed off to do some shopping. I was supposed to do more pictures but due to the weather had to cancel. After picking Ryan up we headed over to my parents house to pick up a twin bed and dresser my mom was getting rid of and thought we would try it out with Evan. We loaded everything up in my dads truck and unloaded it here. While Evan napped in the pack in play in our room I managed to clean his room all out and we were able to set everything up. It was so cute to see his reaction to his new bed when he woke up. His crib was gone and there was a big boy bed taking over his room! He absolutly loves it. He was going a bit nuts jumping on it and running back and forth on it. His room actually looks bigger for some reason and it is absolutly adorable. I found the cutest little boy bedding at Kohls and am in the process of re-doing all his wall hangings and frames. When it is all finished it will be adorable. Nap time didnt go the greatest yesterday when we tried laying him down (I found him in the living room about 2 minutes later) but today he got it completly. He never moved from when I layed him down. He just rolled over and went to sleep. (YAY!) I am sure we will have many trying nights ahead of us, but I am sure it wont take too long.
Saturday afternoon after his everything was set up, I dropped him off at Ryan's brother and our sister in law's house. Grandpa and Grandma DeVries were picking Evan up there for a sleep over Saturday night. Ryan and I were able to go golfing and back to a bonfire with friends of ours, kid free! Although we had a great time golfing and hanging out with friends, I missed my little guy terribly. Its so hard when you work all week, and then say goodbye to him on a Saturday night as well. Anyways...another busy Sunday here as well. Ryan doing homework, and me off to do pictures tonight. Crazy!
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