Thursday, August 13, 2009

Whoo, 200th post. Crazy I have blogged that much. Anyway...I just thought I would share with whats been going on at the DeVries's lately...

So I am offically 36 weeks Friday. (if you cant take a little whinning, feel free to skip to the next paragraph) I cant believe I only have 4 weeks left, and then I think...ugh...I still have 4 weeks left. I do recall when I was pregnant with Evan hitting a rut with 4 weeks left and feeling misrible. I am such a baby sometimes and I will be the first to admitt it. I know some women can suck it up and deal with being pregnant no problem, but I am just not one of them. I have no problem with induction, and I know some people do...but for me, if the doctor feels my baby is fine and ready to come out, by all means, let it come out! I trust his opinion more than anyone elses when it comes to the well being of my baby, so if and when he is ok with am I. Sleeping is so uncomfortable, and almost non existant, nothing fits anymore and my feet are so swollen by the end of the day. So anyway, I am just getting extremly ready for this child to come out! Sorry for the whinning! Blogging is somewhat theraputic.

I am sure most people who check facebook have noticed Ryan mentioning him going back to work on Monday. It is looking like he will be there for a week, off a week, then back on another week. There are always rumors of how many orders they have but as of right now, they have two boats to build, so Ryan will be there probably a total of 2 weeks. Obviously with me working full time, I am a little stressed about two weeks with Evan being gone every day, trying to find help for those weeks, but if it contines to look like Ryan will be employed we will definatly have to change my work schedule. It shouldnt, but it always amazes me at Gods perfect timing on things. For going back for a week, Tiara is picking up Ryan's insurance again for 3 months. Yay! And then in Novemebr if he is layed off again, his cobra starts over. Thank goodness for that! Anyway, I have to remember eveything works out, and we are always taken care of.

Well that is about it for recent vaseline mishaps to report so we are doing good. Hope everyone has a great week/weekend!


Bill.Rachel.Ethan.Levi said...

Meg i feel the EXACT same way right now. I asked my doctor if she could just go ahead and break my water so i go into labor! I am miserable, and NO A/C!!!!! i try not to complain much eather, but seriously i want to have baby RIGHT NOW! i wake up 3-4 times a night to pee, i have like 3 outfits that fit me, and i am swollen and fat! and crabby!!! LOL anyways i just complained right back to you, but i feel ya!!!!!!!!I know that God's timing is perfect... i am just so impatient right now! the last 4 weeks are brutal! hope it is soon for both of us!!!hang in there!

The Hill Family said...

You look GREAT!!! I think that God made women pregnant for 9 months instead of 8 just so we would get so annoyed and ready to have the baby we wouldn't even care how or when it happened! I am all for being induced, I was induced with Addy and had a way better, more relaxed experience. With Jackson I was already at 7cm when I went into the hospital and my epidural was received to late so it didn't work properly and I felt everything! With Addy I didn't feel much and had time to enjoy the day in the hospital with Matt! Hopefully that baby stays in there until after we go camping with the small group, anytime after that BABY! Glad to hear about Ryan's job for a couple weeks. If you ever need a sitter for Ryan I am available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Let me know!

Megan said...

Finally some women who GET IT! :-) Thanks ladies. My labor with Evan was so relaxed too because I knew I was going in. (I was induced) I am leaning toward it again, just cuz my doctor said he would take me if I wanted him too...we will see!

The Kapenga's said...

I say do whatever you want! For some women induction is great for others not. I wasn't induced with Jenna and everything was great and fast...I think it's just what you've been through and how you're feeling. Plus you know how much I LOVE surprises so even the surprise of when I go into labor seems fun to me. I've had friends who have had c-sections and would opt to have them again versus two people have the same experience.

The Rotman's said...

I was induced with both boys and it was great. I'd totally do it again. They baby will come when God says it's time. It won't be long. Glad Ryan is back to work.