Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Quick Update

Just thought I would quick post an update on Baby DeVries. We had our monthly appointment today and everything still looks and sounds great. The baby's heartbeat was 155, so pretty high. I remember with Evan is consistanly dropping every appointment and so far this little bugger has stayed high, so does that mean girl?? I dont know, we will see in September! I did have a dream last night we had a little boy so you never know. My doctor wanted to schedule our ultrasound for 2 weeks from today, April 15 so we are excited for that. I keep bugging Ryan to let us find out but he is so set in his ways. Some days I want to know and some days I dont. I know in the end I will be happy to be suprised, but it is just hard for me not to know!!
Oh, and I was expecting my due date to be pushed back a day or two, seeing how September 9 was the original date the nurses gave me when I called, and yup, my doctor said he had September 11 for my date. Maybe we will get lucky and it will be born on uncle Corey's birthday. So..two more days until the wonderful 17 week mark, instead of today. Oh well.


The Kapenga's said...

Isn't it so weird that they even bother to change the date two days! Glad everything went well and that you have your ultrasound scheduled. It's just nice knowing you'll ge to see if everything really is alright. Ours is the 16th and Dave and I can't wait!!!

The Hill's said...

I don't know but isn't finding out the sex a surprise no matter WHEN you find out! Maybe you can raise that question with Ryan:)

Megan said...

Yeah, it is a suprise no matter what, and I am so not a suprise person. I have to know all the details about everything right away on everything, so I guess I can understand waiting on this. There is something amazing about going through all your hard labor and the doctor telling you "Its a boy!" after 9 months of anticipation. It was probably the coolest things ever and I wouldnt change that moment for anything. I think the reason I want to find out with this one more than I did with Evan is because there are so many things I want to plan a head would be nice to know sometimes, but I can hold out a few months longer and after that, I will know forever!

De Vries Family said...

Leave that surpise until the end it's so worth the wait. I wanted to know too, but after your ultrasound you just kind of forget about it. Heck I thought for sure all my girls were boys-so even bigger surpise for us.

TracyVDM said...

All three of my kids heart rates were pretty much identical to each other all throughout the pregnancy. I think it just depends on when (time of day, activity level, etc) they check it. Since I had preterm labor, I spent a lot of time being monitored and saw both Avery's and Elise's range from the 180's to the 120's, all within a day. I believe that all three of them were 160 the first time we heard them! How weird is that?!?

I agree- once you make it past the ultrasound, it is a lot easier to wait, and it's so fun to wonder whether you'll have another boy or a baby girl, and if you have a gut feeling, it's cool to see if you were right. I was so sure Ave was a boy and Elise was a girl...I was right! :) That last moment of suspense when you know the baby is out, but haven't heard what it is yet is surreal, even on the 2nd and 3rd baby! :)

...but it DEFINITELY is tempting to find out when you're at the ultrasound!