Monday, May 26, 2008


Apparently I have been tagged. Thanks Steph! I supposedly have to give 10 weird habits, goals, facts...ect about myself and "tag" 6 other people to do the same and they have to pass it on too. I know this might not make sense, otherwise read Steph hill's blog and her rules are really good, and better explained then I can! Here is goes:
1. I have a really really bad addiction to Starbucks coffee. It is horrible. I have gone probably 7 or 8 days in a row of getting one every day. It is ridiculous I know.
2. I secretly think I am organized and neat, and cant believe it when I go to someone's house and it is a mess, but house is SO bad ALL the time. I am suprised you can call me Sandy Kapenga's daughter.
3. Frozen Capri's Suns are awesome! Ryan and I eat them all the time and they are so good! Try it, you'll like it I promise!
4. All I have ever wanted to be truly is a mommy. That may sound corny yes, and of course everyone has little dreams when they are little..."I want to be a singer, or I want to be an artist, or a teacher..." but the most real thing, and the thing I actually ache to be is a mom, and now that I am, I truly feel complete. It is the most wonderful thing God has ever given me and I cant stress that enough. You never know you can love so incredibly deep until you're a mom.
5. I can crack almost everything crackable on my body.
6. I really miss playing soccer! I promise I really was good once. Ryan might mock me but I loved it and should never have given it up!
7. Ryan says I snore. I guess I do but I wouldnt know because I am sleeping. All I know is Ryan snores too.
8. I hate football. With a passion. Ooooooo it is horrible! Sorry football fans but I can not STAND IT! Football season is terrible because it is in the winter! Winter is long enough...let alone having to sit there on Sunday afternoons with my husband glued to the televison. I hate it.
9. Ummmm let see. I am on the internet probably more than I should be...or really need to be.
10. I cant swim very good. I do a doggie paddel. Haha. Seriously I really am a bad swimmer. I filled out all I had to and now I am going to tag some people...Because I only know 3 people to tag and I cant tag steph back, sorry girls, you're it.

Wendi...(I think you have been tagged already so dont worry about filling it out again, unless you want to give us even more dirty facts.)
Sarah Busscher
and my lovely sister-in-law Heather. -yes heather I do expect you to do this. :)

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