Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Evan!

Yes, my baby is one! Ahh! I cant believe how fast that went. What an awesome blessing he has been in our life. I say this all the time, but the amazing privledge and responsibility God has given us by being his parents is awesome! If you think of it as God choosing you to be someone's parent...raising them and growing them up knowing God and loving Him. How awesome He chose us!!!

Evan is doing great! He takes steps on his own. He gets so excited that he starts running and then nose dives into whatever is in front of him. He is such a happy little guy, and I am so excited to say...after a year of waiting and waiting...he finally sleeps through the night!!! Praise God because another year of that and I dont know how I could have handled that! I love my little guy more than anything on this earth. I guess if sleeping is my only complaint we will take him! :)

Tonight we are celebrating with my family and Ryan's family and one really good friend of ours. I will post messy cake pictures later! Happy Birthday Evan! Mommy and Daddy love you!

1 comment:

The Hill's said...

Happy Birthday Evan! Holy Cow....glad he's finally sleeping through the night for you...I can't imagine a whole year of waking up in the middle of the night!!!