Thursday, January 1, 2009

Praying for Ashley

I just wanted to post something for my newborn niece Ashley. She had to be Aero Med to DeVos Children's ICU this week because she came down with RSV. It is a very scary thing, exspecially on her tiny little body. She was two weeks early, so already very small, and then to get this, very scary. Please pray for healing for Ashley as she will spend possibly another week in ICU, and for sure another week or two in the hospital. Please pray for Corey and Heather, for strength and understanding, and Brooke and Kenzie as this will be hard on them too. If you want updates and the full story go to, Thanks for your prayers!-Meg


The Robinsons said...

Praying for your sweet niece. Thanks for sharing the information. We wish you guys still lived next door so we could hang out!

The Hill's said...

That's so weird! We live right by the hospital and heard the aero med on Monday night....I am assuming that was her. Our prayers are with all of you. We know how hard it is to have your baby in an ICU. We lived through months of it and hopefully her health will be restored very soon. We are praying for your neice.