Saturday, January 24, 2009

I do not remember feeling this way with Evan at all. The last four days have been aweful as far as nausea and tiredness. Yesterday I think I slept a total of 4 hours during the day while Evan took his naps. I guess being pregnant is a lot more tiring than I remember. You would think I remember this being only a year ago I was pregnant too, but funny how that slips your mind. Ryan keeps reminding me that I was like this from the time I found out I was preggo to about 14 weeks. Praying for some relief! :-) It is alright though, I can handle it and it is all well worth it! Sorry for all of you who have to read about it. :-)


The Hill's said...

Isn't it funny how the minute you meet your baby you forget all the unpleasant things about being pregnant and the pain of giving birth! Good thing though.

The Busscher Family... said...

Congratulations!! I can't believe I hadn't heard the news yet, I guess I better check people's blogs more often!! So happy for you! -Kathy Busscher