Friday, February 13, 2009

Finally Feeling Better!

Finally my little buddy is feeling better. This whole past week has just been aweful for him, and I hate seeing him that way. Just looking at him you could see it in his eyes that he was misrible. After Ryan took him to the ER, the doctor there told him if Evan's fever doesnt go away after 2 days to have him seen, so after the 3rd day in a row of his fever ranging from 101-103 I called again to his pediatrican. At first the nurse I was talking to was telling me he needed to be seen immediatly and to take him to the ER right away, I was about in tears! Eventually after talking to her more she told us to come in the office right away so Ryan took a half day and took him so I could go to work. Apparently he has just a really bad virus going around, and Dr. Zink thought that his fever should break by today. She told us to up his dose of Tylenol because I guess we were under dosing him, and that really seemed to help. By last night he was playing again and acting more normal. Today he is probably 80% back to being our silly little man, he is eating a lot better and finally after almost 4 days, does not have a fever. It breaks your heart seeing your child misrible like that, and knowing there is nothing you can do to make them feel better but hold them. Thank goodness it is just a virus that will pass, and that he is on the road to feeling better!

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