Saturday, February 7, 2009


I am loving this weather today! The sunshine and almost 50 degree weather. It makes me giddy for spring. I dont know about anyone else, but about this time every year I start getting the winter blues and just need a pick me up. Looking outside today was awesome, although, I could do with out the wind. It kept me up most the night. But the warm weather is fabulous. We were supposed to go sledding with Evan and his cousins on the DeVries side, but somehow I dont think we will be able to make that work. I wasnt going to sled anyway, Just watch. Ryan would have more fun than me anyway.

Not much is new lately. I spent the last two days cleaning my house for a showing yesterday and another open house today. Talk about tiring. I feel like I am on a slow but positive trend on feeling a little bit better though. Instead of feeling sick all day, I am just getting nauseous at night which is so much better. The all day thing was getting old and definatly draining. Expecially chasing a one year old around. I gotta say though, I have never noticed how many FOOD commercials there were. I was getting to the point where I could barly watch TV with out being completly replused. Steak and Shake commercials. Yuck!

I have great news also. Evan is actually walking!! Last night was really the first night he just decided to take off by himself. He would do well if we stood him in the middle of the room and had him walk to us, but now he will walk from the couch to wherever he wants, all on his own!! He is such a good boy. He is still having a harder time starting out if he is sitting. He cant quite get to his feet unless he pulls himself up, but we are so proud of him! Love that little man.

Well, not much else to say. Just at work right now, not looking forward to the next 5 1/2 hours of complete boredom. Oh well. It pays I guess!


Bill.Rachel.Ethan.Levi said...

haha the that's funny, the food commercials always make me hungry! but any kind of meat lately makes me sick to even think about! I've actually been feeling alot better lately, hoping this this is the end of morning sickness!

The Kapenga's said...

I can't stand food commercials either. I can't wait to start feeling normal!

Heather said...

Today was even better don't you think! Almost 60 degrees now!