Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So it has been offically a week since my last post. I kinda took a break just because there was so much stuff I should have been doing instead of blogging and reading other blogs, however...I am back.

Not too much has changed in a week. Ryan started his 5 weeks off which is kinda nice, being able to see him during the day. There are some projects he has started, one involving our basement. We decided a few weeks ago that his time off would be a good opportunity to frame in a few rooms in the basement and get them finished. We decided to do this just because if we are still here in September when the baby comes, it would be nice to have more room. Not only that but an extra room/rec room and bathroom would be a great selling point. Hopefully it pays off and we can get this house sold.

With the baby, not too much has changed either. My belly is expanding a little bit which I am not too sure I like yet, but oh well. My "sickness" is getting better I feel like day by day. Some days I guess are better than others but I have managed to keep my head out of the toilet-always a plus. But still...late afternoon to night is always the worst for me. It is worth it tho, and I am sure once I meet my little peanut all the yuckyness of pregnancy will disapear.

Evan is still crazy as ever. Walking everywhere now. It was amazing how fast that went from him being alittle unsure to him just taking off. He is so funny sometimes. With Ryan finishing the basement, the gate is open more often so Evan finally realized we had stairs. He is obsessed with stairs thanks to Grandpa DeVries who taught him how to climb up and down. He is saying SO much lately too. It amazes me at all the words he says. There are some things he can put two words together to form a little sentence. He is such a smarty pants. Sorry to brag-but he is. :)

As far as our house goes, we have had a lot of activity and always great reviews. I always got my hopes up when our realtor would call for a showing but I have learned now not too and just to be excited for a clean house. I know some people hate the idea of making sure your house is clean and having to pick up for showings-but I love it. It forces me to do something I dont want to do and sometimes I need an extra little push.

Anyway--Evan is napping and this is my only time to myself so I think I am going to go read my book. Have a great day!

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