Monday, February 16, 2009

I feel like I am starting to figure out my schedule on feeling icky with this whole pregnancy. I feel like this time around is a little bit worse. Mornings are still pretty good as long as I nibble on something right away in the morning. I have to constantly have my belly full because the minute I start feeling the slightest bit hungry...I get that icky feeling and it lasts quite a while. Nights are still the worst. From around 4 to the time I go to bed. I am thinking this little bugger in me has to be a girl. I just dont remember feeling this way with Evan EVERYDAY. It is quite possible I was the same with Evan, but I guess after you see your little peanut you forget all the horrible things about labor and pregnancy. One thing I know is differnt tho is how much more tired I am. I think the reason for this is because I have a one year old I am chasing all day. He definatly keeps me going, but the minute he is in his bed taking a nap...I am taking one too. If I dont get one during the day, I am spent by 8 oclock. Yes...I am complaining a bit. Sorry for you who are reading this. I know that for sure after the 20 week mark I will be feeling better and then you wont have to read about it so much. :) Hoping it will be sooner than that, but you never know. Have a good day.


The Kapenga's said...

Try to look on the bright side Megan. You're closer to feeling better everyday, you're more tired because God has already blessed you with one healthy child AND he has graciously blessed you with another one which is what so many people long for and sometimes never get. Trust me, I know how you feel and have to remind myself of the very same things. After being down to pretty much nighttime sickness I've had my head in the toilet the last four's worth it though.

Megan said...

Oh I know it is. I can be a bit of a complainer sometimes. But no, it is worth it totally!